Monday, January 18, 2010


Today started for me at 5 a.m. I was so anxious about the test that we were going to have that I woke up and could not go back to sleep before my alarm went off. I didn't want to pick up my books to study anymore cause I felt like I had done all I could do and felt like trying to cram at the last minute would do nothing but hurt, so I just watched a little TV and got everything ready for the day that was going to start soon.

We as recruits started our day with a run of over 2 miles around the campus where our academy is located. Our run was a formation run where we stay together in rows while we run and all run at the same pace. It was fun but at a little bit to slow of a pace for me but I still enjoyed it.

At 08:30 we started our instructions for the exam from week 1. The test started at 08:40 scheduled to last 50 minutes and was 50 questions. As I began to read the questions I KNEW most of the answers. There were only 6 questions that while I was taking the test I felt like I wasn't 100% sure of. It took me about 35-40 minutes to complete the test and I felt really good afterwards.

After everyone was finished with the exam we had to run and touch "the green house" on the complete other side of campus because some people didn't know how to fill out the scan tron sheets even after the head of the academy went step by step explaining everything. We did some push-ups when we got back and the had to run and touch "the stop sign" a couple times as well.

When it was all said and done we got back in the class to find out that out of 31 people 8 had failed the test. Our instructors were not happy at all about these. I still felt good but started getting a little nervous after hearing that. They told us to get up and look at our scores and when I saw mine I was excited for myself because I made a 86!! I guess all the studying I did over the past week and weekend and no hanging out with friends or family really paid off.

We then spent the majority of the rest of the day with our new topic which was criminal procedure and going over the test to see what we missed and what the right answers were.

Overall it was a great day for me and a not so great day for 8 of my recruit mates.

1 comment:

  1. Did you understand what you missed and why? What is going to happen to those people that didn't pass?

    Is criminal procedure interesting?
