Thursday, January 7, 2010


Day 4

Today was all about firearms. I was excited. I am 26 years old and have never been a gun person. I have actually never shot a gun before TODAY!! We were to arrive at the gun range this morning to learn about firearm safety and all about firearms. I knew we were going to be shooting guns but had NO CLUE THAT THE DEPARTMENT WAS GOING TO GIVE ME A GUN TO BRING HOME THAT WAS GOING TO BE MINE!!

The first thing that we did was sit in a classroom and get our department issued weapons. Until we went to lunch we learned how to fire a gun, how to load it, unload it, put it in the holster, take it out the holster, aim it, and all of that good stuff that has to do with guns.

On our lunch break I had to go have my finger prints done AGAIN! FOR THE THIRD TIME! Hopefully the ones today will be okay and not have any problems.

After lunch we hit the range to shoot. Did I mention I have never fired a weapon before in my life. I SUCKED! Well, at the beginning I stunk it up. I mean hitting anything and everything but that dang target. After about 3 hours on the range I started getting a little better. My arms kinda hurt because of how many rounds we shot out there.

Then we learned how to take the thing apart and clean it and put it back together. It was an interesting day. However it wasn't over yet.

Tonight we had family orientation where we brought our families into the training center so our trainers could tell them what we would need them to help with over the next 16 weeks while we go through this process. It was very fun with EVERYONE who has been part in me getting the job were there to meet my parents. I really enjoyed them having the chance to be there to see and be around all those people.

Got a long day ahead tomorrow so I better go to bed. Update you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Call me! Call me! I want more details! So fun. Did they laugh at you because you can't aim and shoot a gun? Did you EVER hit the target? So wish we could have been there last night to support you.

    Love you!
