Monday, January 18, 2010


Today started for me at 5 a.m. I was so anxious about the test that we were going to have that I woke up and could not go back to sleep before my alarm went off. I didn't want to pick up my books to study anymore cause I felt like I had done all I could do and felt like trying to cram at the last minute would do nothing but hurt, so I just watched a little TV and got everything ready for the day that was going to start soon.

We as recruits started our day with a run of over 2 miles around the campus where our academy is located. Our run was a formation run where we stay together in rows while we run and all run at the same pace. It was fun but at a little bit to slow of a pace for me but I still enjoyed it.

At 08:30 we started our instructions for the exam from week 1. The test started at 08:40 scheduled to last 50 minutes and was 50 questions. As I began to read the questions I KNEW most of the answers. There were only 6 questions that while I was taking the test I felt like I wasn't 100% sure of. It took me about 35-40 minutes to complete the test and I felt really good afterwards.

After everyone was finished with the exam we had to run and touch "the green house" on the complete other side of campus because some people didn't know how to fill out the scan tron sheets even after the head of the academy went step by step explaining everything. We did some push-ups when we got back and the had to run and touch "the stop sign" a couple times as well.

When it was all said and done we got back in the class to find out that out of 31 people 8 had failed the test. Our instructors were not happy at all about these. I still felt good but started getting a little nervous after hearing that. They told us to get up and look at our scores and when I saw mine I was excited for myself because I made a 86!! I guess all the studying I did over the past week and weekend and no hanging out with friends or family really paid off.

We then spent the majority of the rest of the day with our new topic which was criminal procedure and going over the test to see what we missed and what the right answers were.

Overall it was a great day for me and a not so great day for 8 of my recruit mates.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday (PAY DAY)

Yesterday was Friday. The last day of class for the week and also payday for our department.

We started the day with a running exercise where we would sprint for 15 seconds and jog for 30 seconds. I really enjoyed this cause it really got my blood flowing and wasn't that hard. I was feeling good afterwards and ready for sitting in class 8 hours until the day and week was over.

Before class started we had our uniform inspection which was interesting but not so bad. They just looked at our uniforms and helped us understand what it looks like and what it was supposed to look like.

All morning and afternoon we finished the state law book. I found myself really enjoying the entire day not knowing if it was because I knew it was Friday or because the material was just that interesting. After we finished up learning the state law we were split into groups and given a situation to see how well we knew the law. We were asked to apply all the laws we had learned throughout the week and apply charges to the people who deserved to be charged with a crime in the situation. It was interesting to see how many different people had different opinions on the charges that should apply. I guess that's why they say it is to the discretion of the officer. After that was over the instructor narrowed down our materials for what to study for the big test we are going to have on Monday morning. I think I am getting ready for it after doing a study group this morning and doing a little study on my own.

WE GOT PAID YESTERDAY TOO!! That was awesome to see a big check like that after not getting paid anything just about from my last job.


Sorry about the 2 day absence. I have been so busy trying to get things together and stay focused I haven't time to update on what's been going on.

Thursday morning we had PT with a Lieutenant with the police department that I am employed by. She did 1 hour of stretching and movements of body parts that I had no clue could move and especially move in the way she had us moving them. It was a little painful but definitely helped stretch out my body.

The rest of the day we learned more state law. We were given a book on Monday of state laws that we have been learning all about. We spent all of Thursday going over and getting examples of scenarios which would involve each law. When I got home Thursday night I tried to polish my boots, iron my shirt and pants, and get everything ready for a uniform inspection that we were going to have on Friday.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

State Laws

Today started with what is called a formation run where our entire class lines up in 4 rows and we ran around the college campus where the academy is. They told us it was about 2 miles. We then got put on "The Grinder" where we get put when we are in trouble or someone has done something wrong. There we had to do some push-ups and sit-ups.

The classroom part of today was pretty cool. We started a 3 day process of learning state laws. A ton of information to try and comprehend. We started and learned about Crimes and Offenses. Everything from Rape, Double Jeopardy, Use Of Force, Being A Party to A Crime, Minimum Ages for Committing Crimes, Terrorism, Murder, Assault and Battery, Kidnapping, Motor Vehicle Theft, Cruelty To Children, Stalking, Tattooing and Piercing The Body Of Anyone Under 18. I mean a wide variety of topics and this was just the start. I learned so much today that I didn't even understand or know existed before. I am excited about the challenge of having to remember most of it and the challenge of 2 more days of state law starting in the morning with Sex Crimes.

Well, I got to go stretch for the morning PT and study notes and everything learned today and start getting ready for class tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Start Learning

Today we started learning to much stuff. This is going to be tough with all the information that is thrown at us to learn in the short period of time. Today was fun and interesting though.

Started the day off with our first academy PT test. I did better with the running and push-ups but worse with the sit ups this week. I was disappointed with all my scores though. I really wish that I could be consistent with all my scores approving each time I do one of these test. I will update with my scores from this test and the next one in 4 weeks after we do our next one to see if my scores approve or stay the same.

We then had classroom stuff the rest of the day with the first part being about the criminal justice system. This was very interesting because we learned about different law enforcement agencies and what they are allowed to do. We also learned about the legal process for every case. I knew for the most part about the legal process but learned a couple new aspects that I didn't know were in the middle.

We then learned about POST which is the people who regulate and kinda govern police officers. When you graduate from the police academy they give you a certificate and you become a certified peace officer. I learned a little bit from this and how they do their jobs as far as regulating us as possible police officers and the officers that are already in place in the state.

This afternoon we learned all about LIABILITY. This is a word that no one wants to hear and what they were telling us is something we shouldn't be to worried about as long as we do our jobs and do them the way they are supposed to be. I really enjoyed this part because we learned so much about this subject and learned so many aspects of officer liability that I had no clue existed. I know and pray everyday that when I get out of the academy and on the street I will never have to worry about that L word again.

Well, I'm off to bed cause I will be leaving the house at 6 a.m. for PT then have to be alert and ready for State Criminal Law for the next 3 days starting tomorrow. This will be interesting and I can't wait to learn all this.

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Day

Today was our first day of the actual police academy. There wasn't to much to it. We began the day having to run in and out of the classroom for different reason and doing some push-ups and runs to "The Stop Sign". They told us this sign will become out friend over the next 11 weeks because we will be running back and forth to it a ton of times.

The rest of the day was for the most part uneventful being the fact that it was an orientation to the police academy. We filled out a bunch of paperwork and learned about all the rules and regulations that we are to follow. They also issued us a schedule for what we will be studying and learning about everyday for the next 11 weeks. It was interesting to me to see a break down of what all we have to learn to be certified by the start to be a police officer.

I am going to head to bed early tonight because we have a PT assessment tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. and are going to start learning about state law tomorrow afternoon. I will give fun updates about what we are learning and doing for PT on a daily basis so stay tuned.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Health and Wellness

Day 5

Today was information overload for health and wellness. We started the day getting measurements to see where we are physically by weight, bmi, and blood pressure. After that we did a bunch of exercises to see if we could push ourselves to certain limits and keep everything together. We then sat in a classroom learning about what to eat what not to eat and what are the best things for us to put in our bodies during and after we get out of the academy.

Then, it was PT time. We had to redo out push-ups, sit ups, and 1.5 miles run. I surprised myself and did 33 sit ups. I was mad about my push-ups and run because both of my scores went down since I first did the PT test. I did 17 push-ups and ran the 1.5 miles in 17 minutes. I will update you on my scores because we have another PT test on Tuesday morning for the actual start of the academy. They let us off early since we start the actual academy on Monday and wanted us to be able to have some time off to refocus on what we will be doing.

I am so excited I can barely stand it. I don't think Monday will get here fast enough. I am off to buy a gun cleaning kit to clean my new gun and then a weekend of rest.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Day 4

Today was all about firearms. I was excited. I am 26 years old and have never been a gun person. I have actually never shot a gun before TODAY!! We were to arrive at the gun range this morning to learn about firearm safety and all about firearms. I knew we were going to be shooting guns but had NO CLUE THAT THE DEPARTMENT WAS GOING TO GIVE ME A GUN TO BRING HOME THAT WAS GOING TO BE MINE!!

The first thing that we did was sit in a classroom and get our department issued weapons. Until we went to lunch we learned how to fire a gun, how to load it, unload it, put it in the holster, take it out the holster, aim it, and all of that good stuff that has to do with guns.

On our lunch break I had to go have my finger prints done AGAIN! FOR THE THIRD TIME! Hopefully the ones today will be okay and not have any problems.

After lunch we hit the range to shoot. Did I mention I have never fired a weapon before in my life. I SUCKED! Well, at the beginning I stunk it up. I mean hitting anything and everything but that dang target. After about 3 hours on the range I started getting a little better. My arms kinda hurt because of how many rounds we shot out there.

Then we learned how to take the thing apart and clean it and put it back together. It was an interesting day. However it wasn't over yet.

Tonight we had family orientation where we brought our families into the training center so our trainers could tell them what we would need them to help with over the next 16 weeks while we go through this process. It was very fun with EVERYONE who has been part in me getting the job were there to meet my parents. I really enjoyed them having the chance to be there to see and be around all those people.

Got a long day ahead tomorrow so I better go to bed. Update you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Day 3

Today was a day of ethics. I know it probably sounds like a very boring day but for me in was so interesting I was a little upset that it was over. We learned about how this plays a role daily from today on until our employment ends and beyond for the department. We had class discussions and also did some role playing and separated group talks. I think I learned more today that I have the past 2 days from this class.

On a side not I found out today that it's pretty important not to forget anything that is important. Such as YOUR ID BADGE!! One recruit left his at home today and had to run a mile and do 25 push-ups all by himself. I felt bad seeing him do this with no one else with him but I can also tell you I was excited that I didn't have to do the push-ups. I would have been fine with the running part now.

We also had 2 recruits not bring any PT clothes. WE ARE RECRUITS!! They make us do some kind of PT everyday. How can you not bring these clothes with you. I have permanently attached my bag to my hand so I always have mine with me. They we unable to do the PT with us which included running sprints, push-ups, sit-ups, and a 1.5 mile run. Since they were unable to go with us today they will make to make all of that up tomorrow including what we had to do. SUCKS FOR THEM!

Tomorrow we are going to the gun range and getting some training on how to shoot the issued guns. I am excited for this because I have never shot a gun before and this is going to be a new and fun experience. We are also having a family orientation tomorrow night which my parents are going to attend to see what I am going to need from them over the next 4-6 months. I will update tomorrow. Getting ready to do a little homework and hit the sack early.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Information Overload

Hello Everyone!

Ok I am already slacking on my blog duties. Yesterday was my first day but I was so tired when I got home that I ate dinner and went straight to sleep! So here is what my first 2 days of the journey have been like.


Arrived with the other 10 recruits at the training facility at 6:20 a.m. The recruiting officers were standing outside and told us to make a formation. Just to let you know I had no clue what this was until yesterday being the fact I have never had any type of training in any way during my life. So we figured out what it was. The recruiting officers yelled at us and made us do push-ups in suits mind you in the middle of the hallway.

After that we learned that you are supposed to be 15 minutes early everywhere they tell you to be. We then signed a TON of paperwork. Then got put in a bus and driving to the cities human resource building where we learned about all the cities benefits and everything they were going to give us as police officers (recruits). I mean we did this from 8:00 a.m. until 5 p.m. Information overload was all I could think about. Extremely interesting and fun but alot of information.


This morning started with me and the other 9 recruits in formation in the parking lot by our bus that we ride in at 7:15 a.m. We then had a meeting with a bunch of high ranking officers with the police department talking about what the department expects from us and what we should expect from them in return. They also gave us a manual that had all of our rules and regulations that we were required to know and completely understand.

We then boarded the bus and headed down to the main police station and received all of our gear and uniforms that we will be wearing over the next 17 weeks. We got pt uniforms, classroom uniforms, boots, bags, vests, duty belts, gun holsters, pepper spray holsters, handcuff holsters, and nightstick holsters. Lots of fun and cool things.

After that we sat through 2 lectures. One was with a Sergent with Internal Affairs who talked to us about their responsibilities and what they do for the department. I know alot more about them now then I ever would have before. The second lecture was about finances and how to save and be responsible with money. When I saw this on the schedule I didn't understand why it would be but the learned so much I was happy that they brought those people in to talk to us.

Then, a day in this process couldn't be over without some type of physical activity. We worked out to this 35 minute 90X video. It was an extremely intense workout but I actually feel like I worked out for so much longer than just 35 minutes. We then discussed what to wear tomorrow because we had been wearing suits for the past 2 days and were excused for the day.

I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store for me and my other recruiting partners. I will do a better job of keeping this up to date day by day about what's taking place.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Acceptance Letter

Since September 14, 2009 I have been on a journey to become a police officer with the local police department where I live. I have gone through physical fitness test, polygraph's, oral board interviews, written test, background investigations, doctor physicals, psychological exams, fingerprinting, drug testing, and meeting with a captain. After a long 4 month journey I received the letter I have been wanting my entire life. I was accepted into the academy starting January 2010. They wanted ME. I could not explain the excitement I feel right now that I am starting a journey into the career I have been wanting my entire life on Monday morning at 6:30 a.m. This is going to be about my journey through the academy and beyond. Wish me luck everyone.