Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Information Overload

Hello Everyone!

Ok I am already slacking on my blog duties. Yesterday was my first day but I was so tired when I got home that I ate dinner and went straight to sleep! So here is what my first 2 days of the journey have been like.


Arrived with the other 10 recruits at the training facility at 6:20 a.m. The recruiting officers were standing outside and told us to make a formation. Just to let you know I had no clue what this was until yesterday being the fact I have never had any type of training in any way during my life. So we figured out what it was. The recruiting officers yelled at us and made us do push-ups in suits mind you in the middle of the hallway.

After that we learned that you are supposed to be 15 minutes early everywhere they tell you to be. We then signed a TON of paperwork. Then got put in a bus and driving to the cities human resource building where we learned about all the cities benefits and everything they were going to give us as police officers (recruits). I mean we did this from 8:00 a.m. until 5 p.m. Information overload was all I could think about. Extremely interesting and fun but alot of information.


This morning started with me and the other 9 recruits in formation in the parking lot by our bus that we ride in at 7:15 a.m. We then had a meeting with a bunch of high ranking officers with the police department talking about what the department expects from us and what we should expect from them in return. They also gave us a manual that had all of our rules and regulations that we were required to know and completely understand.

We then boarded the bus and headed down to the main police station and received all of our gear and uniforms that we will be wearing over the next 17 weeks. We got pt uniforms, classroom uniforms, boots, bags, vests, duty belts, gun holsters, pepper spray holsters, handcuff holsters, and nightstick holsters. Lots of fun and cool things.

After that we sat through 2 lectures. One was with a Sergent with Internal Affairs who talked to us about their responsibilities and what they do for the department. I know alot more about them now then I ever would have before. The second lecture was about finances and how to save and be responsible with money. When I saw this on the schedule I didn't understand why it would be but the learned so much I was happy that they brought those people in to talk to us.

Then, a day in this process couldn't be over without some type of physical activity. We worked out to this 35 minute 90X video. It was an extremely intense workout but I actually feel like I worked out for so much longer than just 35 minutes. We then discussed what to wear tomorrow because we had been wearing suits for the past 2 days and were excused for the day.

I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store for me and my other recruiting partners. I will do a better job of keeping this up to date day by day about what's taking place.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I'm so glad you're enjoying every minute of this. I love hearing about your day and all that goes on. I know this journey is going to be amazing!
