Monday, March 15, 2010

9 Days

Sorry for the big delay in postings!! Things have been really crazy with long days and lots to study going into our final 2 weeks of the academy!! We had our last weekly exam this morning and I made a 94 on it. The highest grade in the class for the 2nd week in a row. However, my joy didn't last long as one of my dearest friends in the academy failed the test by missing 1 to many questions and was excused from the training center because of his 3rd strike. The rest of the day we learned about crimes against children which was a pretty intense class with lots of graphic material that was somewhat upsetting to me seeing things that people would do to helpless children who hadn't done anything wrong. Tomorrow should be an extremely exciting day as we are going to spend the day in the field being trained on vehicle pullovers. I will update tomorrow night.


Monday, March 8, 2010

15 Classroom Days and Counting

Today started with a light and fun 2 mile formation run for out PT. Took some pressure of knowing we had a test coming up at 8:30 off a little bit.

At 8:30 we took our 6Th exam which went well for me. I studied my butt off the entire weekend for this test and felt extremely prepared. After we took our test the instructors went and graded them and came back down with the results. After all was said and done I made a 96 which was the best grade in the class.

After the relief of everyone passing our test we began to learn about Patrol and Observations. This was the entire rest of our day and was a fun and interesting day of class. I learned alot about different patrol techniques that I would have never know. It brought to my attention all of the things that people do that would tell an officer about what they are thinking or actions they are about to take. I really enjoy days like today and hope that we have a day like today for the next 14!! Off to study a little bit of what we learned today and to bed. See you tomorrow!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Another Crazy Week


Wednesday we had an interesting day learning all about state traffic laws, which was kind of boring but ended with an early day. So we thought, we ended up having a pop up test that we knew we were going to have to take but we thought they were going to tell us when it was going to be. However, we all took and passed the test (I made a 90 on it).

Thursday we have a variety day where we learned about 4 different subjects going from cultural diversity to officer and the public to media relations to stress. Once again this was an extremely boring day that ended pretty early for us but then had to sit around while our instructors decided weather to actually let us leave early or not.

Yesterday we learned CPR, First Aid, and AED. I have already been certified in all of this so it wasn't hard at all for me. We ended the day with 3 test covering those topics which most of our class all made 100's on all 3. After leaving the Academy, I had to go get measured for our hats that our department wears along with our uniforms (I guess for our graduation but I'm not sure). That was the rest of my week for this week. I'm going to spend the majority of my weekend studying for a huge test that we are going to have on Monday morning. I will let you know how that goes Monday night! Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe weekend!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Another Test Down

Today we had test number 5 and I made an 84 on it! I was nervous about the test after we got done taking it when several people we talking about some of the answers and I thought I had failed based on what they were saying. However, the scores came in and I made my 84!

After taking the test we learned about Juvenile offenders and what happens when we detain a juvenile for any offense. It turned out to be an extremely interesting class for me because I learned alot that I previously didn't know anything about.

We had a couple changes in our schedules today for the rest of the week that I think will turn the week into a cool and unusual topics week that don't really go together! I'm looking forward to tomorrow being the fact that we are going to learn about state traffic laws.

I hopefully will update tomorrow about what is going on cause I am exhausted right now and I am about to take a shower, eat dinner and go to bed!